Marketing & Public Affairs

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The Of­fice of Mar­keti­ng and Pub­lic Af­fairs pro­vides com­muni­ca­tions plan­ning, publi­ca­tions, me­dia rela­tions, Web, advertising, mar­ket­ing, photography, special-event and ex­hi­bit serv­ices to sup­port the mis­sion of Lee Col­lege.

The of­fice also works to build rela­tion­ships with­in the comm­uni­ty through as­socia­tions, part­ner­ships and out­reach com­mit­tees.

In gen­eral, Mar­ket­ing and Pub­lic Af­fairs:

  • Is responsible for developing and maintaining the Lee College brand.
  • Coordinates, develops, writes and produces major college publications (course schedules, catalog, brochures, etc.), marketing plans, sponsorships, promotions and direct mail-campaigns.
  • Manages all aspects of media relations, including press releases, feature articles and media advisories, media, interviews and press conferences.
  • Creates, oversees, and purchases all newspaper, magazine, Web, broadcast, and radio advertisements.
  • Develops and coordinates the design and content of the college website.
  • Creates, implements, and assists with a variety of special events.
  • Develops and post messages on the college's plasma screens and marquee.