Cheer Tryouts

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Lee College Cheer is looking for those who have prior experience in cheerleading, dance, gymnastics, tumbling, etc. But even if you have no prior experience, you are still more than welcome to sign up for tryouts.

Tryouts will take place April 19, and they will consist of cheers/chants, motions, standing tumbling, running tumbling, jumps, and stunting. If you do not possess one of these skills, please focus on doing your best in what you prepare. These will be scored and evaluated by the head cheer coach and one or two judges. Scores will be tallied and discussed among the judges, and the team will be formed based on what is seen.

Items that will be scored/evaluated

  • Presentation
    • How the participants come dressed or hold themselves during tryouts.
  • Ability
    • The actual skill portion of tryouts will be based on what is performed by each individual participant.
  • Attitude
    • Having a good attitude and showing a fun and bright personality is what we seek for the Lee College Cheer team.
  • Voice
    • How clearly the participant can say the cheers/chants and how their voice projects and carries
  • Interview
    • A small interview will be conducted during the tryout phase. This will typically be one to two questions for each participant. The point is to see how each participant's personality stands out. Being a cheerleader means being out in public, speaking and interacting with others, so being able to talk and carry yourself is important.

Items to bring/what to wear for tryouts

  • A completed physical from your doctor
  • Sports/workout attire
    • Highly recommended: wearing school colors for tryouts
      • Red/gray/white/black shirt with black or white shorts
    • Appropriate shoes
      • If you have cheerleading shoes, please come with those
    • Females wearing their hair half up, half down, or in a tight ponytail
    • Males can either be clean-shaven or have a neatly trimmed beard

Please refer to the head cheerleading coach's information if you have any questions.

Remember to have fun. GO, NAVS!

Contact Info

Drew Yoder
Community Engagement Coordinator & Head Cheerleading Coach | 281.425.6831
John Britt Hall, Office 133