Drug Free Campus Committee - Feb. 26, 2019
Members Present
- Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean, Student Affairs
- Howard Bushart, Allied Health Chair, Faculty
- Zane Mosely, Secretary, Student Activities
- Captain JR Velez, Security Captain, Security
- Amber Carter, South East County Coalition Coordinator, BACODA
Review of Minutes from January 31
The minutes were approved as written.
Old Business
- Core Survey - Rosemary presented information on the Core survey. A copy of the notes from the phone discussion was provided to the group. After talking to Dr. Laura Rowald on February 20, we have a better idea of the costs of the survey. The goal is to administer the test in the fall 2019 and we can do a combination of both paper and pencil and online.
- The cost is $1 per survey and there are additional costs for customization of the front page and final page, the reporting, and an administrative fee. For 500 students, the costs will be approximately $1100.
- We can use funds from the tobacco project (MD Anderson) to pay for the additional questions regarding vaping and e-cigarettes. The $150 will be covered through the tobacco project and we can include incentives for those completing the survey.
- The group feels that it would be helpful to have a larger item (such as an iPad) as an incentive for completing the survey.
- After discussing, we will not do a random selection of students, but will try to administer the survey to as many as possible with the goal of 500 students.
- We will do paper and pencil versions of the test for students at specific events (such as Fall Fiesta) and classrooms. Howard will help finding instructors.
- While we can keep the survey open for a longer period, it was suggested we try to do the survey within 4 – 6 weeks.
- Rosemary will check to make sure the funds from TST will be rolled over to next year.
- In addition to MD Anderson incentives, we can gather other incentives from other sources including BACODA.
- TST funds – We still need to determine if we want to use the remaining TST funds for incentives or other items that can be used for awareness activities.
- Naloxone Training (Report) – Amber reported that there were over 50 participants at the Naloxone training earlier this month. This included law enforcement, a pharmacist, and representatives from the Houston Forensic Science center, among others. The consensus was that it was a great success. Comments included:
- We possibly can do this again if more Naloxone is received. If we do this again, we need a larger venue. For 50 participants, the Covestro Conference room was crowded. We need to make sure only those who register are allowed to attend.
- We need better signage to help participants find the location of the training. It was suggested that perhaps students could be used to help.
- Instead of lunch, snacks would be appropriate.
- Amber will look into getting a copy of the PowerPoint slides so that those attending can share the information with others.
- The Baytown Sun provided an article before the event and after. There was misinformation in the latter article (labeling Xanax as an opioid).
- Prescription drug campaign - The committee decided to put the prescription drug campaign on hold. We will focus on getting the Core survey completed and use these results as a way to determine future programming for the college.
- Tobacco Project – the cabinet approved moving forward in participating in the tobacco project. This is an extension of the sun safety project and supported by Be Well Baytown.
- This committee will serve as the steering committee for the project.
- The project will include education (including social media), the possibility of starting a Peers Against Tobacco group; Adding tobacco information in the curriculum for the drug and alcohol classes; hosting the Tobacco Treatment Training Certification (Summer 2020); sending individuals to the Tobacco Summit in Houston next spring; training for group leaders for cessation groups on campus; looking at existing services for staff though our human resources office.
- A draft of the proposal will be ready to review at the end of this week. The final project is due by March 10.
Other Events / Announcements
- The Drug Free Statement went out to the campus on February 11.
- We hosted the fourth Mental Health First Aid training on February 21 – 22 with 19 staff completing the training. The next one will be in June.
- The next national Take Back Day is scheduled for April 28. Amber will have flyers later in March to distribute.
- There are two events in which we will have a booth representing the Drug Free Campus committee. For both events, we will publicize the upcoming Drug Take Back day in April and give out Deterra pouches.
- The Health Fair is on March 26 (1 – 3:30 p.m.). Howard and Amber will take the lead.
- Spring Fling is April 3 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. We will need volunteers to help with the Drug Free Campus table.
Next Meeting
The next meeting for the committee will be determined at a later date.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rosemary Coffman, PhD, CRC, LCDC
Dr. Rosemary Coffman, Associate Dean of Student Affairs