Medical Emergencies

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Life-Threatening Emergencies

  1. For Life-Threatening Emergencies, call 911 immediately.
  2. Provide the following:
    • The age and sex of the victim
    • The location of the victim
    • Nature of the emergency and whether the victim is conscious or breathing.
    • Any additional information as directed.
  3. Keep the victim still until help arrives. Do not attempt to move the victim.
  4. Only trained personnel should provide first aid or CPR.
  5. Upon arrival of the emergency medical unit, provide any information about the victim of which you are aware.

Minor Injuries / Non-Emergencies

  1. In case of minor injury or illness, contact Security at x6888.
  2. Employees should notify their supervisors of work-related injuries or illnesses, then call HR to complete the proper paperwork.

Counseling and Psychological Services (UTEAP)

These services are available to help employees resolve personal difficulties and provide emergency services and crisis intervention. Services are strictly confidential and available through UT Health 1.800.346.3549.