Manufacturing Engineering Technology

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The Manu­factur­ing Engineer­ing Tech­nology (MET) program is a broad-based general sci­ence degree designed to pre­pare stu­dents for careers in the chemical process­ing indus­try, manufac­turing, and advanced tech­nology.

Gradu­ates from the MET pro­gram have five options; (1) transfer to a four-year engineer­ing program, (2) trans­fer to a 4-year engineer­ing tech­nology pro­gram, (3) seek employ­ment as an engineer­ing tech­nician, (4) seek employ­ment as a process tech­nician, research tech­nician, labora­tory tech­nician or (5) transfer to a four-year school offering a BS in tech­nology. The program complies with the Ameri­can Chem­ical Society's volun­tary stand­ards and with the Tech­nology Accred­ita­tion Com­mis­sion of the Accred­ita­tion Board for Engin­eering and Tech­nology in Engin­eering Tech­nology.

What Will I Learn?

Graduates from this program will have a solid foundation in mathematics, physics, and chemistry combined with a good understanding of the equipment and technology associated with the operation of the manufacturing industry.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
Manufacturing Engineering Technology (AAS) Degree Plan