Process Technology

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The field of process tech­nology appeals to people who enjoy the challenges involved in using advanced computer technology and instru­menta­tion to operate a variety of equip­ment systems and indus­trial processes. Process tech­nology is defined as the study and appli­cation of the scien­tific prin­ciples asso­ciated with the opera­tion and mainten­ance of the chemi­cal processing indus­try (CPI).

Process tech­nicians gather informa­tion using instru­ments that monitor process con­ditions such as pres­sure, tempera­ture, level, and flow rates. They operate lab equip­ment to keep their plants running safely and effi­ciently, along with ensuring the effi­cient produc­tion of pro­ducts that meet customer speci­fications.

As a process tech­nician or operator, you may work both indoors and out­doors along­side chemical engineers, mainten­ance personnel, and other professionals. You will be expected to use your knowledge of computers, math, physics, and chemistry to monitor and troubleshoot plant operations. Strong communications skill are also required, as you will need the ability to write, give oral presentations, and exercise effective listening skills in order to succeed as a process technician.

What Will I Learn?
What Can I Do with This Course of Study?
AAS: Process Technology
PT1: Certificate of Completion — Process Technology