Who may use what
Because of licensing restrictions, to be able to use certain electronic resources and services, you must meet the following eligibility requirements:
Ask a Librarian email or online chat:
- For quick answers or questions about our holdings: anyone.
- For in-depth reference assistance, currently enrolled Lee College students, staff members, and faculty members.
Borrowing books, videos and other library materials:
- Currently enrolled Lee College students (including community online learning students), staff members, and faculty members.
- TexShare Card holders, and non-college card holders may borrow books only.
- More detailed circulation (borrowing) policy.
- Currently enrolled Lee College students, staff members, and faculty members in good standing with the library.
- Lee College faculty members.
- Currently enrolled Lee College students, faculty members, and staff members.
- Public patrons over the age of 18. Minors are permitted if supervised by legal guardian.
- Currently enrolled Lee College students, faculty members, and staff members.
Online Catalog:
- Anyone with internet access
- Currently enrolled Lee College students, staff members, and faculty members in good standing with the library.
- More detailed ILL policy.
- Lee College faculty members
- Anyone with internet access