Disability Organizations/Resources
- U.S. Department of Labor Disability Resources
- Council for Exceptional Children
- National Center for Learning Disabilities
- Learning Disabilities
- Texas Education Agency
- Texas Special Olympics
- U.S. Department of Education
- Autism Society
- Families Can
- Family to Family Network
- Texas Parent to Parent
- The Arc of Texas
- Texas Children's Meyers Center
- UHCL — Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities
- The Harris Center
Here are a collection of tools and resources that support time-management, planning, and organization:
Study and Organizational Tools
- Augsburg University (Free or Low Cost Assistive Technology)
- Augsburg University Free and Low-Cost Tools — Organization and Task Management
- University of Toronto's Assignment Planner
- Routinery — Build a routine, then follow prompts on screen to start, do, and then move on from tasks
- Fabulous Daily Routine Planner — More involved app guides you through discovering values around organization and routine needs, coaches you through building a routine from the ground up
- Sweepy: Home Cleaning Schedule — Write down tasks, what's involved, where, frequency, items needed to do it, and then the app reminds you of each task
- Habitica — Free RPG game for daily tasks
Focus Time
- Focus Plant — Earn "rain drops" to clean sites, plant mythical flora/plants, water, and fill up your discovery booklet!
- Pomodoro Timer — Adjustable pomodoro timer (The pomodoro technique is fixed time intervals for focused work, usually 25 minutes, followed by short breaks.)
- Written Kitten — Gives you an image of a kitten, puppy, or bunny for every X amount of words you write.
- Augsberg University Free and Low Cost Tools — Focus/Distraction-Free & Time Tracking
Body Doubling
- Dubbii — Watch body-doubling videos to help focus, break down every day tasks into micro-steps to reduce overwhelm, here to help you get started and finished, track your progress and work on habits, without the shame!
- MERVE — YouTube channel offering studying videos to assist with body doubling.
- Focusmate — Virtual coworking — offers a unique coworking experience by pairing users with accountability partners, or "focus buddies"