Student Assistant Policies

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To be eligible for a Student Assistant position, you must:

  1. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.
  2. Be enrolled in 6 or more credit hours during the fall or spring semesters and 3 or more credit hours during the summer semesters.
  3. Be a U.S. Citizen or alien in compliance with the Immigration and Control Act of 1986.
  4. Be at least 17 years of age and have a Social Security Card.

Rules and Regulations for Student Assistants:

  1. Not allowed to work during scheduled classes.
  2. Not allowed to work when classes are not in session. For example, breaks between semesters, Christmas Break, Spring Break, etc.
  3. Expected to report to work on time and maintain regular attendance.
  4. Can not work in the same area as an immediate family member or in an area where an immediate family member may be in a supervisory capacity.
  5. If at any time during the semester a student drops or withdraws from a class and does not meet the required credit hours, he or she is no longer eligible to work as a Student Assistant.
  6. Can work on-campus for the equivalent of 6 full semesters (Fall and Spring), Summer semesters are not counted. The Dean of Student Services may grant exceptions.
  7. Persons who have worked for the college in any capacity other than Student Assistant or Work Study must obtain the approval of the Dean of Financial Services to apply for a Student Assistant position.
  8. Expected to remain on the same job throughout their term of eligibility. Anyone wishing to leave their position must notify their supervisor.