Process Piping Design

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The field of pro­cess piping design involves moving sub­stances that are used in indus­trial set­tings, either in produc­tion or in other pro­cesses.

The field encom­passes many dif­ferent areas, including Com­puter-Aided Draft­ing and Design (CADD), electri­cal design, and plumb­ing.

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What Will I Learn?

The Study of Process Technology involves learning how the industrial process works. You will learn about process equipment such as pumps, compressors, reactors, and distillation columns. Technical knowledge and skills are gained in areas such as operating equipment, controlling instrumentation systems, monitoring process systems, and troubleshooting those systems. These courses prepare students for entry-level employment as process technicians in the processing industries.

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"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
AAS: Process Piping Design PPD2
PPD1: Certificate of Completion — Process Piping