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The Lee College Pre-Engineer­ing program helps students focus on develop­ing a fundamental knowledge of physics, chemistry, and mathematics, and provides an intro­duction to the study of engineer­ing and engineer­ing design.

In addi­tion, students complete other general edu­cation classes in English, communi­cation, the social sciences, and humani­ties in order to fulfill the core curri­culum require­ments. Lee College's Pre-Engineer­ing program is specifically designed for those looking to transfer into a four-year engineer­ing bachelor's degree program after com­pleting their general edu­cation and prelim­inary math and science courses at Lee College.

What Will I Learn?

Students develop a fundamental understanding of physics, chemistry, and mathematics, and will receive a basic introduction to engineering as an academic and professional path, to the engineering design process, to engineering ethics and computation.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
Degrees and Certificates
Engineering Lamar Transfer Plan
Engineering Texas A&M University Transfer Plan
Engineering University of Houston Transfer Plan
Engineering UHCL Transfer Plan