Mexican American Studies and Spanish Language

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Mexi­can Ameri­can Studies (MAS) is the study of cul­tural produc­tion, social history, and social move­ments of Mexi­can Ameri­can, Chicano, and Latino groups in the United States.

MAS's mission is to strengt­hen the next gener­ation's know­ledge of Mexi­can Ameri­can com­muni­ties and to share that infor­mation widely.

Students who take MAS courses will develop the abil­ity to work effec­tively with diverse populat­ions, and will formu­late a deep under­standing of the Mexi­can Americ­an culture, history, lan­guage, and artist­ic expres­sion.

Study­ing Spanish at Lee College will improve students' abil­ity to speak, read and write Spanish as they gain a broad under­standing of the His­panic civil­iza­tion and culture in the United States and the world. Ad­vanced lang­uage learning brings advanced cultural insights, increases global under­standing, and reveals the limit­ations of a mono­lingual view of the world.

What Will I Learn?

Through MAS4, the associate degree in Mexican American Studies, students will learn about the cultural production, social history and social movements of Mexican American, Chicano, and Latino groups in the United States. The curriculum aligns with the college's designation as a Hispanic-serving Institution and furthers Mexican American Studies as a relevant and dynamic field of study for academic growth and personal enrichment.

Spanish students will gain a basic understanding of the Spanish language, identifying their skills through reading comprehension, conversation, and translation. This degree is designed for students majoring in Spanish who plan to continue their education by pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish at a four-year institution. Today, because of the increasing demand for foreign language skills among the different peoples of the world, knowledge of the leading foreign languages has become an important part of a solid academic foundation.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
Degree and Certificates
Mexican-American Studies (AA) Degree Plan
Spanish (AA) Degree