Industrial Systems Technician

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Program Brochure (PDF)

The Indus­trial Sys­tems Tech­nology cur­riculum is de­signed to pre­pare or up­grade indiv­iduals to safe­ly ser­vice, main­tain, re­pair, or in­stall equip­ment. In­struc­tion inc­ludes theo­ry and skill train­ing need­ed for inspect­ing, test­ing, trouble­shoot­ing, and diagnos­ing indus­trial sys­tems.

Stu­dents will learn mul­ti-craft tech­ni­cal skills in print read­ing, mechani­cal sys­tems main­ten­ance, elec­tricity, hydraul­ics/pneu­matics, weld­ing, machin­ing or fabrica­tion, and includes var­ious diag­nostic and repair pro­cedures. Practi­cal ap­plica­tion in these indus­trial sys­tems will be empha­sized and ad­ditio­nal ad­vanced course work may be of­fered.

What Will I Learn?

The Industrial Systems Technology program prepares students to service, maintain, repair or install equipment for a wide range of industries. Students will explore areas like electronics, safety and mechanical maintenance fundamentals.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
AAS: Industrial Systems Technician
MC1: Certificate of Completion — Machinist
MW1: Certificate of Completion — Millwright