Environmental Science

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En­viron­men­tal sci­ence stud­ies how the na­tural world works, how we as hu­mans inter­act with and af­fect the environ­ment, and ways to prevent, correct or reduce damage to the environ­ment and pro­tect human health and wel­fare.

An as­soci­ate de­gree in environ­mental sci­ence at Lee College is de­signed to pre­pare stu­dents to trans­fer to a four-year col­lege or uni­versity with the goal of com­plet­ing a bach­elor's de­gree in enviro­nmental sci­ence or a re­lated field.

An AS in environ­mental sci­ence could also pre­pare you for en­try-lev­el techni­cal or assist­ant posi­tions in edu­ca­tional and labora­tory environ­ments.

What Will I Learn?

An associate degree program in environmental science teaches students about environmental protection regulations, environmental issues, and the protection of natural elements that are essential for life. Students will gain the basic understanding of nature, critical thinking, and problem-solving appropriate for a profession in environmental science.

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"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
Degrees and Certificates
Environmental Science UHCL Transfer Plan