Electrical Technology

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The Electr­ical Tech­nology De­gree pre­pares stu­dents for car­eers in a chemi­cal plant, refiner­ies, HVAC, and res­iden­tial elec­tri­cians. These jobs pay an aver­age of $50 to 60 dol­lars per hour.

The Electri­cal Tech­nology As­soci­ate of Ap­plied Sci­ence de­gree pro­gram pre­pares gradu­ates for en­try-lev­el car­eers as Electri­cian Techni­cians in the chemi­cal process­ing indus­try and residen­tial electri­cians.

Through the use of state of the art sim­ula­tion equip­ment, as well as hands-on ap­plied tech­no­logy train­ing and gen­eral aca­demic course­work, the stu­dent will devel­op the skills re­quired to be a suc­cess­ful instru­ment tech­nician.

What Will I Learn?

Upon successful completion of the Electrical Technology Degree program, graduates will be able to:

  • Analyze and solve direct current and alternating current series circuit and parallel circuit problems.
  • Use appropriate electronic measurement tools and problem-solving skills to solve a variety of complex circuit problems.
  • Create process and flow instruction sets to control various digitally-programmable circuits.
  • Design circuit/systems to perform specific electronic functions.
  • Work as a team member to effectively communicate technical information orally and in writing.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
Electrical Technology (AAS) Degree Plan
Electrical Construction - EC1, Certificate of Completion
Electrical Technology - IE1, Certificate of Completion
Electrical Instrumentation and Analytical II - EIA1, Certificate of Completion
Wiring Installation EWI1