Computer Science

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Com­puter sci­ence in­volves the stu­dy of com­puters and comp­uter pro­gramm­ing. Com­puter scien­tists dev­elop new com­puter tech­nolo­gies as part of the tech sec­tor, but also ap­ply cut­ting-edge com­puter tech­nology to solve prob­lems in vir­tually every other indus­try, such as health­care, ener­gy, educa­tion, and finan­cial ser­vices, to name a few.

The com­puter sci­ence field of study at Lee College is designed to lay a foun­da­tion that will al­low a stu­dent to trans­fer to a four-year uni­ver­sity and con­tinue their stud­ies toward a bach­elor's de­gree in com­puter sci­ence.

What Will I Learn?

This program of study prepares students to design, develop, document, test, and analyze simple computer programs using leading programming languages, such as Python, C++, or Java.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
Degrees and Certificates
Computer Science UHCL Transfer Plan