Computer and Graphics Technology

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The Com­puter and Graph­ics Tech­nology pro­gram is used by a wide varie­ty of organ­iza­tions to pro­cess, de­sign, man­age, and com­muni­cate infor­ma­tion.

Com­puter graph­ic design com­bines skills in tech­nolo­gy, busi­ness, and art, using com­pu­ter-gen­erated im­ages and words to cre­ate unique con­cepts and mes­sages for pub­lish­ing and ad­ver­tis­ing.

What Will I Learn?

The Lee College Computer and Graphics Technology program prepares individuals to provide technical assistance, support and advice to computer users to help troubleshoot software and hardware problems. Students will gain knowledge in computer concepts, webpage design, information systems, networking, operating systems, computer hardware, the Internet, software applications, help desk concepts and problem solving, and principles of customer service.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
AAS: Computer and Graphics Technology
AS1: Certificate of Completion — Application Specialization
GR1: Certificate of Completion — Computer and Graphics Technology I
CGT1: Certificate of Completion — Computer and Graphics Technology II