Computer and Network Maintenance Technology

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En­try-lev­el stu­dents and com­pu­ter profes­sion­als interested in working on and with computer networks will gain em­ploy­able skills while study­ing under the Com­puter and Net­work Mainten­ance Tech­nology Pro­gram.

Design, instal­la­tion, re­pair, admin­istra­tion, manage­ment, and opera­tion net­works, emphasiz­ing flexi­bility to adapt to net­work techno­logy to the needs of any com­pany, facil­ity, or edu­cation­al institu­tion is the pri­mary focus of the pro­gram.

This pro­gram is de­signed to pre­pare stu­dents with the conc­epts and skills re­quired for en­try-lev­el employ­ment into com­puter sup­port and main­ten­ance car­eers. Complet­ion pre­pares the stu­dent with CISCO rout­ing skills.

What Will I Learn?

The program provides students with hands-on training in computer hardware and software to meet the growing demand for the professionals who can modify, repair and upgrade personal computers, computer peripherals, and local area networks (LAN).

What Can I Do with This Course of Study?
Computer and Network Maintenance Technology Pathway