Cloud Computing

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Cloud com­put­ing is the de­liv­ery of dif­fer­ent ser­vices through the inter­net, in­clud­ing data stor­age, serv­ers, data­bases, net­work­ing soft­ware, and ana­ly­tics. Cloud-based stor­age and col­lec­tion of big data make it pos­sible to save files to a rem­ote data­base and re­trieve them on de­mand.

Some of the most recog­niz­able comp­anies that use and offer cloud com­put­ing ser­vices are Ama­zon, A­pple, Google, and Micro­soft.

Accord­ing to ex­perts, the cloud com­put­ing mar­ket is pos­i­tioned to be worth $947 bil­lion by 2026.

The Cloud Com­put­ing Pro­gram is pen­ding ap­pro­val by the South­ern As­socia­tion of Col­leges and Schools Com­mis­sion on Colleges.

What Will I Learn?

Students in this program will learn how to create cloud systems from beginning to end. This also includes information technology fundamentals such as computer maintenance, networking, cloud computing, Cybersecurity, and more.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
Cloud Computing Certificate of Completion - CC1