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Bio­logy is the sci­enti­fic stu­dy of life.

The associ­ate of sci­ence (AS) with a con­cen­tra­tion in bio­logy at Lee College is de­signed for stu­dents who plan to trans­fer to a four-year col­lege or uni­versi­ty with the goal of comp­let­ing a bache­lor's de­gree in bio­logy or re­lat­ed field. 

The AS bio­logy area of con­centra­tion ful­fills most pre­re­quis­ites for en­try to many pro­fes­sion­al programs, in­clud­ing BS nur­sing, phy­si­cian's as­sist­ant, clin­ical lab­ora­tory sci­ence, den­tal hy­giene, and phar­macy pro­grams. In some fields, an AS with a con­cen­tra­tion in bio­logy will pre­pare you for en­try lev­el tech­nical or as­sis­tant posi­tions. 

Many careers require education beyond the associate degree. Students should work with their advisor to tailor course selections to align with their chosen transfer university. The transfer plan(s) on this page shows a tailored example for a university commonly chosen by Lee College students. However, students may choose to continue their education at any university.

What Will I Learn?

Students will develop laboratory skills and gain a basic scientific understanding of life from the smallest microscopic organisms to the human body and entire ecosystems. Students will also learn critical thinking and problem-solving skills appropriate for a profession in biology.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
Biology UHCL Transfer Plan
University of Texas Medical Branch-Galveston 2+2 Clinical Laboratory Science Program