American Studies

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Ameri­can Stud­ies exam­ines Amer­ican cul­ture, which in­cludes an ex­plor­a­tion of the arts, ideas, skills, and insti­tut­ions in U.S. so­ciety.

The de­gree pro­gram is de­signed to pro­vide stu­dents with the rigor­ous in­ter­disci­plin­ary train­ing neces­sary to trans­fer into bac­calau­reate pro­grams in not only Amer­ican Stu­dies, but re­lated fields as well, such as Eng­lish, His­tory, Politi­cal Sci­ence, Edu­cation, Socio­logy, Anthro­pology, and others.

What Will I Learn?

American Studies is an honors program. Students should meet with the Honors Program Coordinator to get full descriptions of current honors course offerings. Through an interdisciplinary approach, students will learn about American culture and ideology and gain an understanding of how literature reflects historical events.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
Degrees and Certificates
Associate of Arts in American Studies (AA) Degree Plan