Professional Administrative Technology

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The asso­ciate de­gree in Profes­sional Ad­min­is­tra­tive Tech­no­logy pre­pares stu­dents for car­eers in office admin­istra­tion. The focus on the tech­no­logy used in to­day's of­fice environ­ment pre­pares gradu­ates to man­age office communi­cations, publi­cations, and docu­ment manage­ment.

What Will I Learn?

The Professional Administrative Technology curriculum is designed to develop and enhance students' administrative skills. Students will gain proficiency using software programs.

Attention is focused on extensive software training in Microsoft Office. Students will build confidence in creating essential verbal and written communications. Students will also improve problem solving skills and acquire accounting and business math knowledge.

What Can I Do with This Course of Study?
AAS: Professional Administrative Technology
OA1: Certificate of Completion — Professional Administrative Technology I
AA1: Certificate of Completion — Professional Administrative Technology II
O21: Certificate of Completion — Professional Administrative Technology III
BB1: Certificate of Completion — Basic Business Skills