Accounting and Finance

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Ac­count­ing, often called the "lan­guage of busi­ness," pro­vides essen­tial infor­mation about the eco­nomic acti­vities of a business to its owners, its creditors, and other groups. Accounting courses place an emp­hasis on gen­erally accep­ted account­ing prin­ciples, inter­nal account­ing proce­dures, and compu­ter appli­cations.

The two-year Ac­count­ing Tech­nology Associate of Applied Science degree is designed to prepare students for mid-level account­ing posi­tions, such as full-charge book­keepers or cler­ical super­visors in busi­ness indus­try. Stu­dents inter­ested in pursu­ing a bach­elor's de­gree in ac­count­ing can also be­gin their stud­ies at Lee Col­lege.

Students should work with their advisors to tailor course selections to align with the chosen transfer university. The transfer plans on this page show tailored examples for universities commonly chosen by Lee College students. However, students may choose to continue their education at any university.

What Will I Learn?

Students interested in accounting can choose to pursue an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Accounting or an Associate of Arts with a business or accounting concentration.

The AAS in Accounting will prepare students for roles in business and tax accounting. Students will study bookkeeping and data management. They will also learn how to use computer programs related to accounting on a professional level. Although the degree plan contains courses that may be applicable to a four-year accounting degree, it is primarily designed to prepare the student for immediate job placement.

Students pursuing a bachelor's degree in accounting should refer to the transfer plans and work with an advisor to select courses that will apply to the degree at the transfer university.

View Program Learning Outcomes

"What Can I Do With This Course of Study?"
AAS: Accounting Technology
TA1: Certificate of Completion — Accounting Technician
AT1: Certificate of Completion — Advanced Accounting Technician
BB1: Certificate of Completion — Basic Business
Accounting and Finance UHCL transfer plan
Accounting and Finance UH Transfer Plan