Board of Regents Appoints Pam Warford

Pam Warford
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The Lee College Board of Regents appointed former Lee College employee Pam Warford to fill the position vacated by long-time regent Pete Alfaro. Alfaro retired from the Board in June after 17 years of service.

Warford spent more than two decades at the college in various roles. Her last position before retiring in 2020 was executive director of the Lee College Foundation and the Office of Resource Development having raised millions of dollars to support student scholarships. Warford continues to serve on the Foundation's Board of Directors.

"I know full well the important role the college serves in our community," Warford stated. "I saw first-hand the impact the college had on students' lives, and I want to contribute to its continued success."

She is also familiar with the responsibilities of the Board and recognizes that the regents "serve as a catalyst and help set the path for the future of the college by being visionary, understanding new trends in education and current laws and establishing sound policies that strategically support the college."

"We look forward to working with our new colleague on the college's priorities to positively affect our students and increase access to a college education for all our communities," said Daryl Fontenot, Board chair.

Among the college's priorities are increasing transfer rates for students and continued exploration of more comprehensive programs for students.

"We are pleased that the Board of Regents appointed Mrs. Warford to the board," said Dr. Lynda Villanueva, Lee College president. "Her track record of leading our college advancement office and her continued passion for our institution and its students makes her a welcome addition."

Warford will finish out Alfaro's six-year term, which expires in May 2025, and she plans to run for election.