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Constitution of Lee College Staff Assembly


The Lee College Staff Assembly is an advisory body created:

  • To foster and enhance communications between the Staff and the College Administration by providing a forum for the exchange of Staff ideas and concerns, as well as to represent and advocate those concerns within the college community.
  • To promote inclusion of Staff on college committees when it is feasible in order to advance the effective contribution of Staff expertise toward the completion of college goals for the benefit of the entire College community.
  • To encourage and promote professional development, unity, and loyalty within the College, and to strive continually to support the Lee College Mission.
  • To promote growth, retention, and success of students by providing scholarships and a professional college atmosphere which fosters a positive learning environment.

Article 1: NAME

The name of this organization, established in the Fall of 2003, shall be the Lee College Staff Assembly, hereinafter known as “Staff Assembly.”


Section 1. Membership of the Staff Assembly shall include all Classified Staff members (part-time and full-time).

Section 2. Only full time Classified Staff may hold an office or vote.

Section 3. No dues or fees are required for membership in Staff Assembly. Members may be requested to donate reasonable amounts for specific purposes. However, payment of such amounts shall not be a condition of membership.


Section 1. Election of Officers – Officers shall be elected at a General Staff Assembly meeting in May, and shall assume their duties on the first day of the Fall Semester. It is intended that incoming officers attend meetings with their respective outgoing officers during this transitional period between May and the first day of the Fall Semester.

Section 2. A nominating and election committee shall be appointed by the Executive Council to govern regular elections and as needed for any special elections should a vacancy occur. It is further provided that the Nomination and Election Committee shall present a slate of candidates to Staff Assembly members 30 days prior to the May Election.

Section 3. Officers of Staff Assembly shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the eligible Staff Assembly members present and voting. Absentee ballots or voting by proxy shall not be permitted.

Section 4. Officers of the Staff Assembly shall hold office for a term of two years, or until a successor is selected.

Section 5. The officers of Staff Assembly Executive Council shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and four Area Representatives with Alternates as described in Article 3 Section 6E. The Parliamentarian shall be appointed by Executive Council.

Section 6. Officers and Responsibilities

  • The President shall preside at all Executive Council and General Session meetings of Staff Assembly; may be a member, with ex-officio status, of all standing and special committees of Staff Assembly; shall sign all checks with the Treasurer; shall sign all official communications sent out in the name of the Staff Assembly; shall attend or appoint a member of the Executive Council to represent Staff Assembly at President’s Council and Planning Committee meetings.
  • The Vice President assumes the duties of President in case of absence or resignation of the President.
  • The Secretary shall record all proceedings and conduct all correspondence of the Staff Assembly with the concurrence of the President and of the Executive Council; shall provide the minutes of each meeting to the Staff Assembly members in a timely manner and present the minutes of the previous meeting at Executive Council meetings.
  • The Treasurer shall sign all checks with the President and keep an accurate record of all monies of Staff Assembly and Professional Development; shall present a financial report at monthly Executive Council meetings; shall receive and receipt all monies handled by the Treasurer; shall prepare and present to the Staff Assembly, a written financial report at the regular General Assembly meeting of each semester.
  • The Area Representatives or Alternates (four) shall serve as officers of the Executive Council representing and voting for their respective areas on campus. The Executive Council shall review and amend districts every two years to assure fair and equal representation of all areas of Staff.
  • The Parliamentarian shall advise the Presiding Officer on questions concerning parliamentary procedure, utilizing Roberts Rules of Order, and is an ex-officio member of the Executive Council; shall maintain thorough knowledge and understanding of the current Constitution of the Staff Assembly; shall be present at all Staff Assembly meetings, both Executive Council and General Assembly.

Section 7. It is further provided that an election of officers will be held at the first General Staff Assembly meeting in May following the adoption of this Constitution to take office on the first day of the following Fall Semester.

Section 8. It is provided that Officers and Chairs may be removed from office under the following provisions. Reasons for removal include but are not limited to excessive absences and failure to fulfill duties for which they are elected.

  • Officers of the Executive Council of the Staff Assembly may be removed from office by the General Assembly with at least 50.1% of majority votes. Any officer has the right to appeal any such actions to the Staff Assembly.
  • Chairs of Standing Committees may be removed from office by the Executive Council with a 2/3 majority vote. Any chair has the right to appeal any such actions to the Executive Council.


Section 1. There shall be four Standing Committees of Staff Assembly
  • Professional Development –consisting of 3 members including Chair
  • Scholarship Committee – consisting of 3 members including Chair
  • Benefits Committee – consisting of 5 members including Chair
  • Fundraising and Projects Committee – consisting of 5 members including Chair

Section 2. Chairs of the Standing Committees shall be appointed by the Executive Council at the annual Spring General Staff Assembly Meeting in May. Chairs shall serve terms of two years. It is preferred that the chairs be filled from outside of the Executive Council.

Section 3. Committee Description and Responsibilities.

  • Professional Development Committee shall consider and make recommendations on applications related to professional development leave, workshops, conferences, seminars, and work related courses.
  • Scholarship Committee shall review scholarship applications in cooperation with the Financial Aid Office prior to each semester and recommend recipients’ name(s) and award amounts to the Executive Council. The Executive Council will determine the final award amount and number of recipients pending the status of funds available.
  • Benefits Committee shall review compensation and current Staff benefits. This committee shall introduce and recommend new and revised benefits to the Executive Council. The Executive Council shall consider recommendations and present proposed recommendations to Administration for consideration.
  • Fundraising and Projects Committee shall recommend fundraising events and projects in support of the Staff Assembly Preamble to the Executive Council. Upon approval of the Executive Council, this committee shall coordinate fundraising events and special projects.

Section 4. The Executive Council may appoint Special Committees and Chairmen as needed.

Article 5: MEETINGS

Section 1. The Executive Council will meet on the last Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. This meeting is open to all staff members.

Section 2. The General Staff Assembly will meet twice per year.

  • Fall Meeting – Fall Professional Development Day.
  • Spring Meeting – Held during the month of May. General elections will be held during the Spring Assembly Meeting.

Section 3. Posting of Agenda: The agenda for all meetings shall be posted via email or other acceptable means, 72 hours prior to each meeting.

Section 4. Quorums: A quorum of the Executive Council meeting shall be established if two-thirds of elected officers are in attendance at monthly Executive Council meetings. Members present at the General Assembly meetings will constitute a quorum.

Section 5. The Staff Assembly may be called in session at other times:

  • By call of the President
  • By call of the Executive Council
  • By written petition of a simple majority of Staff Assembly.

Section 6. The Executive Council may be called into session at other times:

  • By call of the President
  • By written petition of a simple majority of the members of the Executive Council.


Section 1. Proposed amendments to this Constitution shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Council at least two weeks prior to the next regular meeting of the full Staff Assembly at which the proposed amendments are to be considered for the first time. A required second reading may take place at a called meeting or at the next regular meeting, with due notice as provided in Article 5, Section 3. Proposed amendments may be amended at either reading. Approval of amendments to this Constitution must be by two-thirds majority of the Staff Assembly present and voting at each of the two readings.