CAAC Minutes: 2013-10-15

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Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee Minutes
October 15, 2013

Members Present: Paul Arrigo, Layton Childress, Rosemary Coffman, Stewart Edwards, Joseph Ganakos, Michael Gos, Karen Guthmiller, Vicky Hart, Joyce Jacobs, Cathy Kemper, Charlotte Mueller, Angela Noack, Evan Richards for Tia Hall, Doylean Sprauve, Jeff Thies. Guests: Al Zucha,
Members Absent: Paul Allen, Howard Bushart, Tia Hall, Tex Woodall, Bo Aguilar, Rod Hellyer
Meeting was called to order at 2:01 p.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from September 17, 2013 were approved as read.
  2. Old Business: New ITCC courses 1475, 1476, 2478, and 2479 proposed by Chuck Ganze were tabled until next meeting.
  3. New Business:
    1. Charlotte Mueller proposed changes for MUSI 1307 regarding the course wording for the Church Music program. A motion to accept was made by Stu Edwards and seconded by Joyce Jacobs. Motion carried.
    2. David Jaroszewski proposed the addition of LGLA 1219, a new course. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried.
    3. Dr. David Jaroszewski proposed new courses CNSE 1311, HMYS 1337, AVIM 1371, and a change in the LMGT elective for the Logistics program. A motion to accept was made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried.
    4. David Jaroszewski notified the committee of WECM-required changes to the course descriptions for POFI 2331, POFT 1325, POFI 2340, POFT 2301, and POFT 1127. A motion was made to accept by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Joyce Jacobs. Motion carried.
    5. Joyce Jacobs presented for Roshele Friudenberg. Ms. Jacobs proposed requirement changes for MATH 330 and MATH 342 to include the ENRD course, rather than READ. A motion was made to accept the change was made by Paul Arrigo and seconded by Joe Ganakos. Motion passed.
    6. Joyce Jacobs proposed a change in the description of MABR 310, MABR 342, MABR 330, and ENBR 402 regarding the passing grade. A grade of “B” will be required to advance to the following course. The wording for the required grade was amended to attest to the fact that the grade will expire 30 days after the completion of the bridge course. A motion to accept the amendment was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion for the amendment passed. A motion to accept the change of the required grade was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Karen Guthmiller. Motion passed.
    7. Chuck Ganze proposed removal of ITSE 2309 and ITSW 1304 from the catalog. The courses are no longer being offered. A motion was made to accept by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Joyce Jacobs. Motion passed.
    8. Sam Ortallono proposed changes to the course requisites for MUSC 2447, MUSC 2448, MUSC 2386, and MUSB 2350. The changes require the removal of READ 300 and ESOL 310 as requirements for the course. A motion to accept was made by Joyce Jacobs and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion passed.
    9. Dr. Jeffrey Thies proposed the addition of GEOL 1447 and EDUC 1200 to the Core Course list for 2014. GEOL 1447 is to be added under the Life and Physical Science Component and EDUC 1200 is to be added under the Component Area Option. EDUC 1200 is required by state mandate. A motion to accept was made by Stu Edwards and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion passed.
  4. Open Forum:
    Rosemary Coffman made the announcement that effective August 23, 2013, the Accuplacer Test was no longer being administered. The TSI Assessment (TSIA) will be the only entry test accepted by the State of Texas other than the SAT or ACT. Current test scores will expire in five years. There is a mandatory Pre-Assessment Activity prior to testing and the full TSIA test could take as long as five hours to complete. Test exemptions remain the same as before.

    Dr. Michael Gos reminded members about specific fall catalog that are due by next month’s meeting.

    Joe Ganakos announced that the Forensics Team did very well this semester in meets. Three of the team members advanced. They are one of the top teams in Texas.

    Meeting adjourned by 2:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Approved by:
Beth Barclay, Interim Secretary Michael Gos, CAAC Chair
