The primary purpose of the Lee College Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee is to provide a single entity where all changes in academic programs and policies are presented, approved where appropriate and passed on to faculty and administrators throughout the college. These issues include, but are not limited to:
- New program introduction
- New course approval
- Changes in existing programs
- Changes in the core curriculum
- Grading policy
- Instructional policy
- Avoiding course duplication
If new programs need to be approved, the college president recommends them to the Board of Regents only after they have been approved by the committee.
Voting Members
- One counselor elected by the counselors
- One elected representative from the library
- Two members from LCHC
- One member elected from each of the 11 divisions on campus
Ad Hoc Members
- Provost/SACS Liaison
- Associate Vice President, Academic Affairs
- Associate Vice President, Student Services
Meeting Schedule
The Committee will meet the third Tuesday of each month for the fall (September-November) and the spring semesters (January-April).